Welcome to this site specific audio walk, which will take you on a stroll through an augmented reality in the hidden corners of Greenwich Park.

The walk will take about 35 minutes to complete, and is very simple in the format, as it is an experiment and a research into a genre which is new to me, and focuses more on the process of transporting the audience, than on the perfect technical solutions and production.

There is a map with numbered markers to secure that you are in the right place to start each chapter, and underneath 10 audio files with the corresponding bit of the story. When an audio file finishes, simply check the map to see where to start the next chapter, find your new position and press play on the next audio file.

The audio files can be downloaded in advance to avoid slow buffering.



Idea, Production & Text: Sarah Sarina Rommedahl

Character Development: Ashley Evenson

Reading Actors: Katie McLoed & Sarah Sarina Rommedahl

Music: Stephen Spender

Project supervisor: Vybarr Cregan-Reid

Dissertation Supervisor: Adrian De La Court